Sunday, September 17, 2006

Do you park like a Butthead??

So yesterday the kids and I were at a mall in town doing some shopping. We finished, came out to load the car, and there it is. Yet another prick who can't park their big, stupid wanna be truck (Chevy Avalanche). Now, to just let you know, I used to drive a truck. A big Quad cab and I when I parked, I made damn sure that the people next to me had enough room to get in and out with out dinging up my vehicle. Anyway, seeing this ridiculous parking job (I couldn't get in my rear door to put my daughter in the car) I basically started yelling about how the "idiot" next to us can't park and "how the hell did they even get out without hitting my car". When done, I turned to the trunk to start loading stuff in, realizing that the only way to get my daughter in was to go through the other side, when this guy and some bimbo start walking up and he's saying, "we're leaving, I'll move it" not "sorry, I don't know how to drive" or "sorry, but I just don't care about anyone else on the planet" so what did I say, well, what would you say? I said "GOOD! THANKS." very loudly. I don't think I needed to say anything else. He was an idiot. I wasn't making it up.

So now my question to you is, do you park like a Butthead too? If so, maybe you should think about the guys next to you before you do it. I can recall a scene from many years ago when someone I know freaked, climbed into his car and opened the passenger door from the inside and kicked it with both feet, multiple times into the car that was parked so ridiculously close. Now, that was not right, but somehow felt very satisfying. If you are stupid enough to park like that, then you deserve what you get. Whether it be accidental or intentional.

Don't be a Butthead.


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