Saturday, September 23, 2006

Family Politics

So I get this weird email the other day from my sister saying that it's come to her attention that someone has told Mom and Dad about her Son's medical condition and she really didn't want them to...blah, blah and so on. I realized, while reading the email, that I had no idea what she was talking about so emailed her basically saying just that. Not two minutes later I get a phone call from her and she's using "the voice". Now, since you don't know any of my sisters, this one in particular has a way of speaking down to you when she's pissed off where she is trying to sound like something is no big deal and she's not mad when in reality it is and she is. So she goes on to tell me that she's sure "you didn't know" not to tell Mom and Dad and all this stuff. Apparently it's me she's mad at and I still have no idea what she's talking about. Not a clue. So I asked her what medical condition and it turns out it's a psychiatric condition, firstly, and secondly she's the only one who's diagnosed this condition and thirdly, this was the first I'd heard of it. So I know it wasn't me, I told her so and she said things like "well I'm sure I told you, I remember I could hear you clicking away on your computer while we talked. You probably just don't remember." Well although I do tend to not really listen all that close to what's going on when I'm working, I am quite POSITIVE I would remember something like this. Geez. And besides that if I didn't remember how on earth would I remember to tell Mom and Dad. And of all my siblings I would say I am by far the most tight lipped. I don't tell Mom and Dad squat. Especially other people's news. I just don't do that. And I also don't spend alot of time, if any, gossiping about my siblings. They're all mental, Mom and Dad know that, nothing to discuss. So I emailed my other sister who lives in the town with my parents and told her to phone me when she had some time (works long night shifts and weird days) and when she called me she said " Oh, that was me" NICE. So in the mean time, the other sister had called everyone and told them that I had blabbed when in fact I had not. I'm not a blabber. But they likely all think I am. THIS is exactly why I am happy I don't live near any of my family. I miss them all alot often but when things like this come up, I remember why I'm glad I don't have to deal with them every day.

I think the moral of this story is don't selectively keep secrets. It will always bite you in the ass.


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